In this feature, we talked to 18-year-old polo player Lavinia Elser of Acquedotto Romano Polo Club.
17 Questions is a feature series where we introduce different women polo players around the world. In this feature, we talked to 18-year-old Lavinia Elser. Playing polo since she was a kid, she decided to pursue the sport as she entered university. “I have high hopes and enough determination and dedication to say that my passion for polo will never cease to die,” she comments.

- Since when are you interested in horses?
“I have always been interested in horses, ever since I was a child.”
- How did you get into polo?
“Polo has been in my family as a legacy sport for many generations. I got into polo since my father, uncle, and both my brothers play.”
- Who is your first coach?
“My first coach is Goffredo Cutinelli Rendina. He is currently the polo manager of Acquedotto Romano Polo Club.”
- Who are your heroes on the field?
“Poroto and Mia Cambiaso would be my heroes on the field! I like to believe that one day my brothers and I will be able to reach their level of expertise.”

- What’s the best training tip you’ve ever received?
“Get back on the horse whatever happens would be one of the best pieces of key advice that I have received.”
- How do you bond with your horse?
“Many ways! I love each one of my horses for their uniqueness in personality and strength.”
- Best horse care tip?
“Before going on a horse, you have to make sure the straps, the saddle, the reins, and all equipment of the horse is in the right place and tight as it should be to prevent your horse from tripping.”
- Who is your polo bestfriend?
“My polo best friend is Henry Elser, my younger brother. He gives me the best advice, he is always there for me, and I have an amazing time with him. I am on a field with him on every occasion.”

- Which position do you love playing the most in and why?
“I love playing #2 because I think it is a good compromise between playing attack and defense.”
- What is more important in a team: trust or communication? Why?
“I think the most important in a team is definitely trust. Having played most of my life with my family, I can predict what the next move of my team will be. I strongly believe that in a team, you can comunicate as much as you want. However, if you do not know the people you are on the field with, then there is never going to be that love for the sport and common trust connection that makes you give the best of yourself.”
- What’s your ultimate must-have when playing?
“Before and after the polo game, I always have some mate, an argentinian tea. It is a must have!”

- Would you rather play mixed or women’s polo? Why?
“For most of my life, I have been the only girl in the field. I think that this has given me a certain sense of courage and fearlessness that comes with the ability of doing any play no matter how intense and controversial it may be in the world in women’s polo.”
- For you, what makes polo the best sport?
“What makes polo the best sport is the freedom and the adrenaline that comes with being one with the horse.”
- What’s your best win throughout your career?
“In order to answer this question to the best of my ability, I will be describing a very special moment in my polo career. After the second chucker on a very hot day, the game was extremely intense and physically as well as mentally demanding. My coach Goffredo snapped me out of an exhaustion frenzy and shook sense into my competitive mind. I went back onto the field and played my heart out, recovering the team and working with them to win the competition.”

- What’s the worst polo misconception you’ve ever heard of?
“A misconception about polo is that the people who play are elitist and condescending.”
- If you could live the life of one polo player for a day, who would it be and why?
“Mia Cambiaso. She is more or less my age and plays high level polo, which is my dream.”
- Complete the sentence: “I love polo because ________.”
“I love polo because it gives me an adrenaline rush that is incomparable to any other sport. And most importantly, it unifies my family.”