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Chukka Wellness’ Guide To Achieve Winter Wonderbod

Chukka Wellness’ Guide To Achieve Winter Wonderbod

chuka wellness winter workout

The transition of autumn foliages to snowfall signals the inevitable drop in temperature. With the shift comes gearing up for a bit of a switch in lifestyle. For polo players, it’s the season to gear up for winter tournaments or spend a polo break preparing for games on warmer months. Either way, adapting to the cold can prove to be challenging, especially when it comes to staying in shape.

However, finding the right motivation and creating a solid, chill-proof workout plan is key to taking you out from a possible movement slump! Sure, it’s nice to cozy up on your couch near the fireplace, but a body warm-up sounds equally good—and even better for your health!

chuka wellness winter workout

POLO LADY spoke to Chukka Wellness founder India Parker-Smith, one of the most trusted fitness trainers in the world of polo, to ask for her advice on nutrition and body condition formation during the colder months of the year.

According to India, the sport of polo is strenuous and one must have a bulletproof body to perform effectively. Proper recovery is going to help prolong your playing career, too. It’s not just putting these things on top of your priority, as the polo fitness trainer emphasizes on amplifying the intensity of exercise and developing a clean and well-balanced meal plan. “I would recommend you spend this time prioritizing fitness and eating well,” India says.

With women, putting extra effort into fitness for polo is essential as our bodies have specific concerns. “Women are naturally quite weak in their upper body. We also have to deal with hormones,” India enumerates. Thus, managing strength and energy levels should be taken into account.

chuka wellness winter workout

To guide you in designing a fitness plan for your best physique come winter, the Chukka Wellness founder lists down some advice. “Focus on more lifts to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and get stronger, incorporate stability exercises using resistance bands, and do lots of stretching. You need to also focus on the whole body, but especially any weak or injured areas from the season. Ample recovery time is necessary, as well as making time for body management,” she points out.

Are you ready for winter warm-ups but clueless on where to start? India offers this workout plan that you can easily follow. Mobility and balancing routines can do wonders for your body, so insert these preps to your schedule and breeze through the season strong and polo-ready.

chuka wellness winter workout

Mobility Routine

  • 10–minute cardio
  • Stability exercises using resistance bands
  • Squats, lunges, deadlifts, glute bridge
  • Balance on one leg or a bosu
  • Plank, side plank, crunches, oblique twists
  • Press-ups, skull crushers, rows
  • Stretch
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